I love how babies of the same gender seem to come in clusters. I’ll get 3 girls in a row and then 3 boys in a row. It’s as if, just when I’m itching to photograph the other gender, they arrive! This little man came when I was itching for a little boy to photograph and he was a perfect little gentleman for me too! He slept like a champ and let me and mommy have a hay day playing dress up with him. He did decide to arrive early, which seems to be common for most of my mommy’s lately, but he was 100% perfect and ready for our time together.
Another fun little fact about this handsome little guy…he has the most adorable older fur brother! Fur brother was very keen to make sure nothing bad happened to his little brother during our time together and I think I showed him everything was safe. I can’t wait to see how this little man and his fur brother enjoys growing up together! One protecting the other until role reversal and the little one becomes bigger than the older one. Did you grow up with an older protective fur brother and then became the fur brother’s protector?
Take a peek at some of this handsome little man’s photos below!
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